Tuner emails

IMPORTANT, read the instructions below very carefully!

Thank you for your interest in our “Reflash Software” and welcome to the Unichip Family. You will have access to the Software and Maps database based on your purchase below. If you didn’t buy the download cable or access to our “Maps Database”  you will not have access to our maps.

To get started please watch our quick start video’s below: 

1 – To get access to our database you need to register for an account on the this https://www.unichipwholesale.com/my-account/

2 – Once your account is active you will be able to download all maps.

To get started please watch our quick start video’s below: 

5 – Watch the quick start Videos to get you familiar with the Unichip Reflash software.

IMPORTANT, read the instructions below very carefully!

Thank you for your purchase and welcome to the Unichip Family, with tuners all around the world. To get access to the Unichip Tuning software, schematics, maps and other files please follow these steps in the exact order:

1 – Sign the Unichip Tuner License Agreement on this page.

2 – We will email you once you account is setup and active.

3 – Download the Unichip tuner manuals (must be logged in).

3 – Once you account is active you can download your Unichip tuning software (must be logged in).

5 – Watch the quick start videos to get you familiar with the Unichip Tuning software.

6 – Watch this video on how to install your Unichip Tuning Software on a Windows 7 PC

6 – Watch this video on how to register your software.

7 – Watch this video on how to unlock our software